Command line shortcuts

Command Line

I normally don’t use many shortcuts because it’s easier to just use my arrows and mouse to navigate than to memorize shortcuts but I am slowly realizing that the time spent on learning a new shortcut pays off.

However, my memory is not that great and if I try to memorize multiple things at once, it’s guaranteed that I will remember zero of them the next day. What I am trying to do instead is to memorize - and use! - one new shortcut per week. That way I can slowly add a new behaviour to my development process.

Here’s a list of shortcuts I am working on:

Shortcut Action
CTRL + A Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
CTRL + E Move the cursor to the end of the line.
CTRL + W Erase the preceding word.
CTRL + U Erase everything from the cursor to the beginning of line.
CTRL + K Erase everything from the cursor to the end of the line.
CTRL + Y Pasted erased text (if you used CTRL + U or CTRL + K, for example).
Arrow up (or CTRL + P) view the last typed command. I use arrow up all the time but I did’t now that CTRL + P did the same thing!
CTRL + L Clear screen

The post Command line shortcuts was originally published at