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How to upgrade Rails

I don’t write much about Rails here but whoa, two posts in a row! Well, it turns out that I thought I should record another lesson I learned while upgrading Rails: how to do it, meaning, what are the practical steps one should take to upgrade Rails?

6 Lessons learned from upgrading a Rails app

I was recently tasked with upgrading our Ruby on Rails application at work: my goal was to move two major versions up, with a middle step on a minor version (and a server OS upgrade that was not even planned!). This was an incredible experience and I learned a lot from it. Here are some take-aways I can share:

Book review: Get Programming with Go

Learning Go (a.k.a as Golang) was one of my personal goals for 2019 and I chose the book “Get Programming with Go”, by Nathan Youngman and Roger Peppe as my learning resource. Even though there are several other resources out there, I chose this book because they state on their website that “[it] introduces you to the powerful Go language without confusing jargon or high-level theory” and I like to have a physical book to reference to when learning a new code language. Go is also my first statically typed language, so I was looking for something that would walk me through from the very basics.

Go to line number in a file using vim

You want to see line 3842 of file called and you can only access that file using vim. You open the file and to your dismay, by default, vim doesn’t display line numbers. Here are your options:

TIL: docker commit

When I need to create a new custom Docker image, I usually start with a base image (alpine, debian, python, etc, depending on the project), running it in the interactive mode and install the tools and dependencies I will need. Once I get my container the way I want, I create a Dockerfile with all the commands I ran inside my container. It works, but I just learned that this might be unnecessary extra work.

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