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TIL: How to move a line in Vim

For a text like the following:

This is the line I want to move.
This line should be the first line.

In order to move the first line down, in normal mode* (not edit or insert mode), follow these steps:

Remove a commit from history in Git – local and remote

I recently committed an API key to a repository and even worse, I pushed to GitHub before I realized my mistake… 🙁 Removing the key from the code base wouldn’t completely solve my problem since a commit diff would still display my secret key. The solution was to remove that commit from history.

Getting started with gRPC – part I: the what

I recently spent some time researching gRPC and this post is a summary of what I learned. I also wrote a prototype application to test gRPC and gRPC-Web with Python and JS. The JS client takes a string from user input and test if it’s a palindrome. The code can be found on GitHub and in a future post I will comment on it.

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