
How to permit nested parameters in Rails

The context

Rails 5 introduced a big change in how it handles ActionController::Parameters (the parameters that you get on your Controllers): before Rails 5, if you called your params you would get a hash back and after Rails 5, you get an ActionController::Parameters object. You can see that by calling params.inspect and if you call .to_h on these parameters you should be good to go.

Find the commit that introduced a bug in your code: how to use git bisect in 7 steps

When I first heard about git bisect I thought it sounded scary and complicated, so I never looked for an opportunity to learn more about it and use it. That’s until last week when I ran into a bug in our master branch. I knew that the bug was not there two days before so I tested an earlier commit and confirmed that that older commit was a good one. Now, we had tens of commits in between. How to find out when exactly the bug was introduced? It would be impractical to check and test each individual commit.

How to upgrade Rails

I don’t write much about Rails here but whoa, two posts in a row! Well, it turns out that I thought I should record another lesson I learned while upgrading Rails: how to do it, meaning, what are the practical steps one should take to upgrade Rails?