How to revert a commit in git
There are a few different ways to undo things in git but for the purpose of this post we will stick with the following scenario:
There are a few different ways to undo things in git but for the purpose of this post we will stick with the following scenario:
When you work on a codebase with other people, you need to manage your local branches: you need to ensure that when you push some code and create a merge/pull request on the remote branch, your changes will be easily integrated with the main codebase. And by “easily” I mean preferably without merge conflicts or the dreaded message “your branch is xxx commits behind the target branch”. ?
You are working with an API and after sending a request you receive one of these two HTTP response codes: 401 or 403. What do HTTP status codes 401 and 403 mean?
Most of you might be too young to know this but there was time that the phone in your house - not in your pocket! - would ring and gasp! you had no idea who was calling! You had to ANSWER the phone to find out. :scream:
is a very useful tool for software development and you only need to know a few commands to get most of the job done. However, you can be a lot more productive if you go beyond the basics.