
TIL: time travel with Python’s standard library

There are a few different approaches for writing tests for date and/or time-sensitive functionality.

One could choose to add a sleep() in the test, which would guarantee that the time passed, but that also has the downside of increasing the run time of the test.

TIL: installed packages in Python – list, and show

If your Python project has a very short list of required packages (in requirements, pipfile, etc), it’s easy to see all packages you have. But on large projects, the dependencies can run pretty long, not to mention the dependencies for the required packages. And what about learning more about those dependencies?

A caller id for your python function

Most of you might be too young to know this but there was time that the phone in your house - not in your pocket! - would ring and gasp! you had no idea who was calling! You had to ANSWER the phone to find out. :scream: